Sporadic posts on design and front-end development from yours truly.
The most popular, responsive, and mobile-first front-end framework.
Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap featuring 500+ icons.
Personal dotfiles and computer setup script for fresh installs of macOS.
An experiment in creating custom HTML elements based on today’s most common interface elements.
Friendlier custom HTML form controls with a little CSS magic. Designed for the latest browsers, and IE9+.
Unofficial watch, fork, and follow buttons for GitHub.
Standards and best practices for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
A curated list of commonly frustrating HTML and CSS quandaries, miscues, and dilemmas.
Custom userstyle for making every page of GitHub completely fluid.
Mixins and variables for the Less preprocessor.
Flexible and responsive grid system using table display.
The Jekyll butler, a clear and concise foundation for any Jekyll site.
Jekyll theme with tucked away navigation in a side drawer.
Jekyll theme with a prominent sidebar and uncomplicated content.
Library of code for commonly used patterns in Jekyll sites.